Art for the Inaugural International Trout Congress, Oct. 2016, Bozeman, Montana

It was a huge honor to be asked to paint the first official artwork for the world's first International Trout Congress. WOW! The first Trout Congress brings together international fisheries professionals focused on cooperation in the shared goal of protecting and conserving the world’s salmonids and their watersheds.
This original soft pastel is up for sale in the Emerson Center for Arts and Culture. There will be a limited edition run of 16x20 posters celebrating the event. Please message to order a poster.

My goal of the painting was to include the tightest crew of emblematic trout member I could muster into one image. Trout crew depicted, from the top: Gogi Char - Japan, Mexican Golden Trout, Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout, Softmouth Trout - Europe, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Taimen (the largest member of the trout family.)
Story behind the painting/thoughts...
I loved the subtle beauty and elegance of the Japanese Gogi char (I was reminded of my Brook trout friends in the clear, cold mountain streams around Montana, when I saw the Gogi.) The Mexican Golden trouts' light lavender and lemon yellow blush make a strikingly sublime fish. The European Softmouth trout was a treat to draw. I enjoyed learning about this fish that looks like a combo of a brown trout and grayling. *I especially enjoyed making the fish "smile" and look at the viewer. My first love: the Yellowstone Cutthroat trout - so I put this fish in the center. It's the heart of my fish history. I began my first summer in Yellowstone National Park, as a student volunteer through the Student Conservation Association (SCA). I was a Bio Science Tech that first summer and learned first hand about this native fish while conducting field work all around the park.
The Rainbow and Brown trout are such friends of mine. I love seeing the variety of coloration and variation in spot size and pattern in waters all over.
The Taimen I saved for the end - I kept the best (and toughest) for last. Knowing how large these guys and gals are (5 feet long and a lifespan of around 50 years), I knew the proportions would need to be on, but not overwhelm the piece of art. I am in awe of these mega-trout-superheros from Asia. They are my fish idols.
Coming Summer 2017: Look for a photograph of me painting this piece of art in an article on Women in Fly Fishing in Cowboys and Indians Magazine. It was a sweet surprise to be included.
Many cheers to all of you anglers and fish enthusiasts out there. Keep on observing, learning and never take those clear, clean waters for granted.
Happy days on the water to you,